It's Nice To Meet You! (My Bio)
I’ve always loved to read and write,
especially when a story makes me laugh,
cry, or keeps me on the edge of my seat.
There's nothing like a great book you can't
put down, and you won't do anything until
you've finished reading it. Dinner, sleep, and
laundry can wait, right?
I grew up in a small town with loving, supportive family and friends. They taught me that anything was possible. After graduating from college and law school, I still held on to my dream of someday writing something, anything!
I am finally taking the plunge and hoping to publish my first middle-grade book AND MY FIRST ADULT BOOK, a literary suspense fictional novel currently being sent to agents while revising and editing it.
Please join me on this amazing journey, where I've absolutely loved the process as I follow my dream.
Luckily, Grandparents aren't biased . . . I remember my Grandmother telling me if they (meaning a potential employer or in this case, a publisher) could just meet you, then they would hire you (or publish your book)!
So hello. I'm Carmen. Nice to meet you! Thank you for joining me on this exciting and incredible writing path.
Please tell me what you think about my new series, Tony, If Only, ideas you would like to see published, or comments on my blog. I would love to hear from you.